
This list of 2024 funding opportunities is regularly updated by REA Analytics.

 Schedule a FREE application meeting to discuss your grant opportunities.


Homeless Youth

Forecasted Opportunity

HHS-2025-ACF-ACYF-YO-0108 - Due May 1, 2025 up to $150,000

FY25 Street Outreach Program

Marriage and Family Relationships

Forecasted Opportunity

HHS-2025-ACF-OFA-ZB-0109 - Est. Post Feb 28, 2025 up to $1,250,000

Family, Relationship, and Marriage Education Works - Adults (FRAMEWorks)

HHS-2025-ACF-OFA-ZD-0013 - Est. Post Feb 28, 2025 up to $1,250,000

Relationships, Education, Advancement, and Development for Youth for Life (READY4Life)

HHS-2025-ACF-OFA-ZJ-0014 - Est. Post Feb 28, 2025 up to $1,250,000

Fatherhood - Family-focused, Interconnected, Resilient, and Essential (Fatherhood FIRE)

HHS-2025-ACF-ACYF-TS-0007 - Est. Post Feb 28 up to $450,000

Title V Competitive Sexual Risk Avoidance Education

Mental Health

Open Solicitation

PAR-23-104 - Due September 7, 2024 unknown award amounts

Pilot Studies to Test the Initiation of a Mental Health Family Navigator Model to Promote Early Access, Engagement and Coordination of Needed Mental Health Services for Children and Adolescents

SM-25-001 - Due September 12, 2024 up to $1,000,000

Cooperative Agreements for Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic Planning Grants

Opioid Response

Open Solicitation

HRSA-25-010 - Due April 16, 2025 up to $300,000

Rural Communities Opioid Response Program-Overdose Response

Substance Abuse Prevention

Forecasted Opportunity

SP-23-004 - Est. Due Date Feb 21, 2025 up to $375,000

Strategic Prevention Framework – Partnerships for Success for Communities, Local Governments, Universities, Colleges, and Tribes/Tribal Organizations

Tribal and Local Governments

Open Solicitation

USDA-RD-HCFP-HPG-2024 - Due date July 29, 2024 up to $122,000

Rural Housing Preservation Grant

FR-6800-N-13 - Due date August 19, 2024 up to 7,000,000

Lead Hazard Reduction Grant Program

FR-6800-N-79 - Due date August 20, 2024 up to $500,000

Eviction Protection Grant Program

Forecasted Opportunity

HHS-2025-ACF-OFA-ZB-0109 - Due Date May 1, 2025 up to $1,250,000

Family, Relationship, and Marriage Education Works - Adults (FRAMEWorks)


Due March 6, 2025 up to $250,000

Tribal Behavioral Health


Due April 15, 2025 up to $900,000

Social and Economic Development Strategies -SEDS


Native American Language Preservation and Maintenance-Esther Martinez Immersion

Due June 30, 2025 up to $900,000


Schedule a FREE application meeting to discuss your grant opportunities.

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Militia Wilder

Militia Wilder

Communications Manager

Contact Me